Interesting and useful articles from the week

PUBLISHED January 13, 2014 IN Branding & Messaging


Interesting and useful articles from the week image

Read on for a few of the interesting and useful articles I’ve come across this week:

185 Powerful Verbs That Will Make Your Resume Awesome – And I would add that these words are good for your LinkedIn profile, blog, proposals, website, newsletter, articles, etc.  Some of my favorites words from the list:  Orchestrated, Pioneered, Conserved, Outpaced, Rehabilitated, Simplified, Motivated, Advocated, Navigated, Authorized, Awarded.

Podcast on surveying your clients – My favorite points made in this is that surveys, if done correctly, can be revenue generating, can save a client relationship, and can motivate your staff.   In my “in house” marketing days, we conducted a survey much like the one described by the expert.  Caution – only undertake a client survey project if you are actually going to follow-up with the results.  Clear the internal politics path before getting started.  Clients do not want to spend time giving you feedback you won’t use but they will tell you the good and the bad.

Boost Your Effectiveness – It’s the new year and we’re all filled with hope and ambition.  This article is definitely worth the three minutes it will take you to read.  I was struck by more than a few of the quotes such as “We control our actions, not the outcomes.”

Mobile, Content focus for B2B Marketers in 2014 – It’s my job to bring you the latest and greatest… here’s a sneak peak!  Here’s a hint – it’s a focus on online and mobile access.  How many of your emails do you read on your phone?  I’m guessing a lot.  Your clients are likely similar.

I just finished reading the book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain.  It was fascinating and I’ll write a post about it soon.

So, what have you seen recently that was interesting and useful?